Enhancing Cybersecurity: A Comprehensive Guide to Digital Offboarding

In today’s business landscape, data security is paramount. Studies show that 20% of surveyed businesses have faced data breaches connected to former employees. Effective digital offboarding is essential to mitigate these risks. To help you navigate this critical process, we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist:

Your Digital Offboarding Checklist

1. Knowledge Transfer

Corporate knowledge can vanish when employees leave. Capture crucial information during digital offboarding, such as social media tools used for company posts or workflow best practices. Conduct knowledge transfers during exit interviews or encourage regular documentation of procedures.

2. Address Social Media Connections

Review and address any social media ties to the departing employee. Determine if their personal accounts have admin access to your company’s social profiles or if they post on your corporate pages.

3. Identify Apps & Logins

Ensure you have a list of all apps and website logins used by the employee. Employees often utilize unauthorized cloud apps unknowingly, posing security risks. Address these apps by changing logins or closing them after data export.

4. Change Email Password

One of your initial steps should be changing the departing employee’s email password. This prevents access to company information and unauthorized emails on behalf of the organization.

5. Update Cloud App Passwords

Change passwords for all cloud-based business apps. Remember that employees may access these apps on personal devices, necessitating password updates to lock them out from any device.

6. Recover Company Devices

Promptly retrieve company-owned devices from the departing employee’s location, especially for remote workers. This prevents equipment loss or misuse.

7. Retrieve Data from Personal Devices

For companies with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, ensure all company data on personal devices is accounted for. Consider implementing a data backup policy to streamline this process.

8. Transfer Data Ownership & Close Accounts

Avoid keeping former employee cloud accounts open indefinitely. Transfer their data to a designated user account and then close the employee’s account to minimize security risks.

9. Revoke Device Access

Utilize an endpoint device management system to revoke device access. Remove the former employee’s device from approved lists in your system to prevent unauthorized access.

10. Update Building Digital Passcodes

Don’t overlook physical access. Change any digital gate or door passcodes to prevent unauthorized entry.

In Need of Offboarding Security Assistance?

Proactive digital offboarding reduces risks and streamlines the process. Contact us today for a free consultation to bolster your cybersecurity efforts.

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